
Ashtanga & Vinyasa style flows. The Ashtanga Primary Series is a set sequence of asanas focusing on strength & flexibility, that are typically held for 5 deep Ujjayi breaths. It is quite fast paced & can be challenging.

These flows take it a little easier by including elements from the series however allow more time to focus on the specific asanas. 


Benefits of Ashtangin include:

  • Learn Ashtanga asanas in Sanskrit
  • Understand traditional alignment
  • Explore your body & suitable modifications
  • Try adjustments to deepen your stretch
  • Learn & practice Ujjayi breath

This is a class that is suitable for all. As we breakdown the asana alignment & overall aim in order to learn & understand how we can practice this effectively for our bodies. The style of the class encourages personal development & I will discuss if there are any individual requirements when the class is booked. Modifications & options to increase the strength & pace can be given to each student. 




IMAGE 1:  Upavishta Konasana B (Seated Angle Pose or Seated Straddle pose) demonstrated by Josi on Lizard Grip Amazigh Yoga mayt by Shenti Life
IMAGE 2: Prasarita padottanasana (Wide Leg Foot Intense Pose) demonstrated by Sanaa on Lizard Grip Amazigh Yoga mayt by Shenti Life