Restore Yin

Yin & Restorative style flows. A slower paced class with passive stretches. We hold the asanas for longer to allow for a deep tissue stretch. We can use props to help support the body in the longer holds. Flows can include options to practice asanas in a Yin or Restorative form. Yin lets you challenge yourself to find your edge & hold much deeper stretch in stillness building more resilience in the body & mind. Restorative style to allow for more rest with support of props & allows the body to relax allowing you the practice finding more stillness in the mind.

Benefits of Restore Yin include:

  • Increase your range of motion
  • Improve mindfulness
  • Improve Circulation & Systems of the body
  • Understand & care for the body

Suitable for all levels with guidance on how you can deepen the stretch. As we hold asanas for longer there is a high priority on listening to your body. Prop use is encouraged to help support the best shape for your body in the moment to increase the comfort & maximise the stretch. All classes close with healing sounds to help deepen your Savasana (relaxation)